Copyright MahaWorks &
Lazara Rosell Albear 2023

"the art ensemble of brussels" is a collective of improvisers living and working in Brussels. They have formed different constellations in various projects during the 15 years of knowing each others. This ensemble is built by very peculiar individuals with strong performative presence with the aim of exploring the convergence of the performing arts with the visual arts, noise, sound art and contemporary music in the creation of sensible and resonant spaces.

"the art ensemble of brussels" is Audrey Lauro (alt sax - voice), Sofia Kakouri, (performance - pocket trumpet), Irina Lav (voice, performance), Pierre Michel Zaleski (voice performance), Jan Pillaert (tuba, performance), Guillaume Maupin (voice performance) and Peter Jacquemyn (contrabass - performance), Lazara Rosell Albear (drums - pocket trumpet - performance)

The members of the ensemble has been part of projects or have performed with les Ballets C de la B, Art Cinema OFFoff, Wiels, SIC, Jørgen Teller, Brett Bailey, Doris Bloom, Valerie Oka, Baudouin Dejaer, Jan Dekeyzer, Champ dAction, Maggie Nichols, Mia Zabelka, Alison Blunt, Mark Sanders, Treffen Total, Vago Teodosio, Giannis Despotakis, Alina Constantin, Dead dance Zone, Sten Rudstrom, Theatre de Banlieue among others.

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